Friday, June 3, 2011

A resource page for 2011 Summer Leadership Teams working on Comprehensive Curriculum SCIENCE Plans for the 2011 - 2012 school year.

Comprehensive SCIENCE Curriculum Plan
(including the integration of technology into the content area)

School Leadership Teams choosing to work on a Comprehensive SCIENCE Curriculum Plan including the integration of technology into the content area will spend time developing components of a yearlong master calendar plan with written processes and timelines including monitoring strategies (plan is to integrate scheduling of instructional and content area coaches with roles and responsibilities). The plan should include the utilization of district resources such as the pacing charts, BEEP assessments, and instructional focus calendars. Integration of labs should be evident throughout the plan. Technology component such as software programs, lab schedule(s), and computer stations should be incorporated. The plan should be driven by school data and trends to include areas of re-teaching, maintenance, and enrichment.

Standards – NGSSS:

Test Item Specifications 2.0:
Grade 10 Biology EOC Item Specifications NOT yet available

District’s Instructional Focus Calendars (IFCs):

Fifth Grade (Being updated to align with new standards)
Eight Grade (Being updated to align with new standards)
Note: Elementary and Secondary IFCs are being revised to align with new textbook adoption.

BSCS 5E Documents:

Lesson Planning:
Biology I NGSSS (Course Description, Benchmarks, and Cognitive Complexity)

Access ALL course description, benchmarks, and associated cognitive complexity at:


Online Science Resources:

Inquiry in Science:

Transition to Computer-Based Exams:

Articulation Guide for Feeder Programs/Schools:
Consider using the following documents when developing an articulation guide:
Grade 10 Biology EOC Item Specifications Appendix B (Not yet available)

Needs Assessment:
Please refer to your school’s School Improvement Plan (SIP)

Professional Development Template:
Please refer to your school’s School Improvement Plan (SIP)

CWT Form:
Please refer to District Adopted Classroom Walkthrough Form

Student Learning Data:

Perception Data: